Want to get involved? You or your community group can make a huge difference
Help our neighbors in need
Our family assistance program is supported almost entirely through community donations.
Help us provide necessities to families in need so they can focus on healing.
If you're interested in hosting a supply drive please reach out to: safeharborbecky@gmail.com

Personal Hygiene Items
Please consider donating any of the following
(full-size unopened and unused products)
Baby or Kids 2-in-1 or 3-in-1 bath products
Body Wash
Disposable Razors
Shaving Cream
Feminine Hygiene Products (pads or tampons)
Toothpaste (kids and adults)
Toothbrushes (kids and adults)
Hair Brushes or Combs
Diapers and Pull ups (larger sized diapers sizes 3-6 are most in demand)
Baby Wipes

Household Cleaning Supplies
Please consider donating any of the following (full-size unopened and unused products)
Toilet Paper
Paper Towels
Disinfectant Wipes
Multipurpose Cleaners
Dishwasher Detergent
Laundry Detergent