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Family Visit at the Park
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Reuniting and empowering families in the child welfare system

Goals & Mission

Parents for Parents program connect parents who have successfully navigated the child welfare system to parents who have recently become engaged with Child Protective Services.


Our goal is to provide early outreach, education and support to parents who have entered the dependency system so they can be reconnected to their children. We also provide parent allies with leadership and gateway employment opportunities as they provide support, knowledge and mentoring to parents new to the system.


We believe in supporting children and families who have entered the child welfare system so they can fully realize their potential.

Family Portrait

Dependency 101

Dependency 101 is a two-hour session designed to educate parents about the dependency system and help parents learn to navigate it. Parent Allies and system stakeholders collaborate in presenting the information. During the class, parents:

  • Receive a packet with information on the dependency process, a calendar to track appointments, a list of important phone numbers, a list of current community resources, and other tools to assist them;

  • Watch an educational video about the dependency process;

  • Listen to Parent Allies share their experience with the dependency system; and

  • Hear a Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA), an Assistant Attorney General, a Social Worker, and a Parent’s Attorney discuss their roles in the dependency process and how they interact with parents, children, and the court. *dependent on their availability

Reunification is possible!

Dependency 201

Dependency 201 is a two-hour session over 5 classes. Each class is uniquely designed to teach parents how to Navigate Dependency, Communication, Visitation, Goal Setting and Resourcing. Each class helps address these common barriers for parents while in dependency, and gives tips and tricks how to overcome each one and be successful.

201: Navigating Dependency

A further, in-depth look at the Dependency Process.

201: Communication

Participants will learn tools for effective communication to be successful in their case.

201: Visitation

An in-depth look at what Visitation/Family Time will look like the participants and their families during the Dependency process.

201: Goal Setting

Participants will set goals in their case and for their future, and explore ways to overcome barriers to reach them.

201: Resourcing

Explore resources for the community of Benton/Franklin and how to effectively utilize them.

Register or more info...

Ready to learn more about the program, or register for the Dependency class?  Please contact parent ally below, or fill out our referral form for the most up-to-date information.

Program Coordinator
Lisa Johnson
tel: 509-581-0495

Referral Form

Best way to contact you? (choose all that apply)

Optional Information
Please fill out any information below you have available to expedite your referral

Currently employeed?
Substance abuse allegations?
First time involved in dependency?
Which of the following types of assistance would help you to move forward in your case? (choose all that apply)

Successfully submitted. Please allow 24-48 hours for a response

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